Artist-run space or international art gallery, we believe that everybody in the art worlds needs simple and secure tools.
Take your artworks everywhere
Save and index unlimited information and images about your artworks. Whether to search your current stock or for archival purpose, your information is kept safe and always accessible.
Easily organize your lists & projects
Craft your next proposal, prepare your next exhibition, art fair or production. You generate accurate and up-to-date lists on the fly that you can share in one click.
Share and track info quickly
From organizing an exhibition to selling an artwork, exchanging art information is at the heart of your activity. With, you privately share your information, anywhere, with anybody.
Stop worrying about payments
Create invoices in one click. With transactions, accept all credit cards (including AmEx) and get paid faster. Sales information are automatically exchanged.
3% fee only.
Free iPhone/iPad and macOS desktop apps

Start adding your artworks today, it's free.
We are here all along the way, from importing your current inventory to answering any question instantly.

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